Welcome to PATF, Where Empowerment Meets Vision! Our mission is clear: we empower visually impaired individuals, ensuring they can fully embrace life’s endless possibilities. We passionately believe that every person, regardless of their disability, deserves a life filled with purpose and independence. Here at PATF, we’re on a passionate journey to make this vision a reality through the remarkable world of assistive technology.

Our Journey – Turning Personal Challenges into Triumphs

In 2010, Muhammad Shahbaz Hussain started on an extraordinary mission. inspired by his own experiences of living with visual impairment, he saw a significant lack of accessible resources and support for visually impaired individuals in Pakistan. This realization ignited the spark that led to the creation of PATF. Hussain envisioned an organization that could equip visually impaired individuals with the skills and resources needed for independent living and active participation in society.

Mission – Empowerment through Assistive Technology

The mission is to empower visually impaired individuals to lead autonomous, fulfilling lives by harnessing the power of assistive technology. We believe that assistive technology is a meaningful change, a key that unlocks opportunities for visually impaired people. Our commitment lies in ensuring universal access to these life-transforming technologies.

Vision – A World Without Barriers

Our vision is a world where visually impaired individuals enjoy equal access to technology, enabling them to take part fully in all aspects of society. We’re dedicated to breaking down barriers, working relentlessly towards a future where visually impaired individuals can reach their full potential.

What We Offer – A Bridge to Independence

Discover the array of services PATF provides to visually impaired individuals:

  • Computer Training
  • Smartphone Training
  • Educational Tutorials
  • Access to a Digital Library
  • Online Classes
  • Braille Transcription Services
  • Informative Blog
  • Social Media Assistance

PATF’s meticulously designed training programs empower visually impaired individuals with the skills needed to use assistive technology for accessing information, easing communication, and taking part in education and employment. Additionally, PATF supplies a wealth of resources to keep individuals informed about the latest advancements in assistive technology and to foster connections within the visually impaired community.

Our Impact – Changing Lives

Since our start in 2010, PATF has transformed thousands of lives across Pakistan. Our training initiatives have empowered individuals to secure employment, start businesses, and pursue higher education. We’ve played a pivotal role in raising awareness about the profound benefits of assistive technology in Pakistan.

Future Goals – Expanding Opportunities

PATF’s goal is to set up an Assistive Technology Institute offering comprehensive training programs and short courses throughout Pakistan. Through continued advocacy and the promotion of assistive technology, we aspire to empower an even larger number of visually impaired individuals in the future.

How You Can Be Effective – Join Our Journey

There are numerous ways to support PATF’s mission and contribute to the betterment of visually impaired individuals in Pakistan. You can make a charitable donation, volunteer your time, or help us spread the word about our organization. Additionally, PATF greatly appreciates donations of assistive technology devices, such as screen magnifiers, talking clocks, and Braille displays.

Together, we have the power to create a world where visually impaired individuals enjoy equal access to technology, enabling them to lead rich and fulfilling lives.